Resnick Fall 2024 Book

$0.20 OFF!

$4.80 OFF!

Coconut Water U/M: 24 #49237 Pure 16.9 oz.

#49235 Tall 17.6 oz. $4.25 OFF!

Tabasco Packets #53163 Hot Sauce U/M: 200 $2.10 OFF! $2.45 OFF!

$2.90 OFF!

Wafer U/M: 24 #27625 Dulce/Leche 4.94 oz. #27627 Strawberry 4.94 oz. #27626 Vanilla 4.94 oz.

$0.40 OFF!

Tabasco Sauce #37096 Hot Sauce #37569 Green Pepper U/M: 1

Cookies U/M: 8 #27535 Maria Cookies 3.5 oz. #27537 Palmeritas 3 oz.

#53165 Sriracha U/M: 200

$1.50 OFF! Kraft 2 oz. U/M: 14 #52227 Big Cheese Cheddar #52230 Big Cheese Colby Jack

$0.15 OFF! #50654 Avacado Toast 2.7 oz. #51341 BBQ Humus/Fritos 2.5 oz. #51342 Buffalo Humus/Tostitos 2.5 oz. U/M: 1

Cracker Barrel 1 oz. U/M: 14 #52220 Extra Sharp Yellow #52335 Jalepeno Jack $0.50 OFF!

#50653 Guacamole Grab N Go 2.8 oz. #50646 Hummus Garlic/Pretzel 4.56 oz. #50647 Hummus Red Pepper/Pretzel 4.65 oz. #50645 Hummus/Pretzel 4.56 oz. $0.10 OFF! Snackers U/M: 1

See the Resnick Mobile App for our Complete Item Listing and Pricing 732.296.8900 800.828.3865 Fax 732.296.8919 *Please note that prices are subject to change.


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